Joint European Summer School (JESS)
“Introduction to Fuel Cells, Electrolysers and Battery Technologies”
11-14 September 2018 (basic) & 17-21 September (advanced)
Coast of Athens – AMARILΙΑ HOTEL
Local organizer since 2008: Panhellas Tourism & Congress
The JESS 2018 – educative courses accredited at well known European Universitiestargets students and young professionals of the field. The school will be held at Amarilia Hotel (4*) (, on the coast of Athens (Kavouri area). Panhellas is the official local secretariat of this event since 2008.
Week 1: 10 – 14 September 2018 (Basic courses).
Classes on:
- High temperature fuel cells and electrolysers (SOFC and SOE)
- Low temperature fuel cells and electrolysers (PEM and alkaline)
- Battery technology
Week 2: 17 – 21 September 2018 (Advances Courses).
Classes on:
- Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles
- Innovative Technology Business Development
- Hydrogen Safety
- The Modelling Master Class
Once again, it will provide highly condensed high level courses on selected topics. For more information, please visit the website: